In our first lesson, we had a review of what we would be going this throuhg, things like working with blogs. Then the teacher proposed the inductive approach, in the form of parodies. First we heard a song (Elvis Presley) after we check the parody out. that was our first contect with parodies !!!
We read music and then we watched the video in order to complete our conception about text. So we could see a lot of hidden messages behind the video once the video or the texts are not completed with out each other.
We created a parody related to the previous song and we could see how funny is to create parodies can be also we had the chance to analyze our classmates mind which in my opinion was great because I could see how different we are from each other is terms of creativity.
Speaking activity !!Discussion in class: we had the chance to express their backgrund based on the theory of the book (Teaching and Learning English), the topics discussed were: Autonomy learner, using video to teach in class.we had a good discussion about it and I could learn a little more about teaching from my colleagues !! I feel great about it !!!
we make a comparison between the theory and the practice in class so that we could see if all of the author’s idea work the way he says. we took some notes in a piece of paper and read aloud to the class.We could realize that not always the theory works according to. It was a good way to check writing, reading and speaking.
we read a lyric of a song called (the boxer) and worked critically on it. Critical reading was the purpose of the task, many of us had problems in dealing with the text, althoug, they had different a standpoints. We noticed that some ideas can be found out of the text. It was a hard task because we were not used to exercises like that. I felt really challenged.
Discussion part 1
We discussed seriously about grammar translation method and how inefficient it is, though many teachers still use it. I think it`s up to us trying avoid this method, cause it already showed to be poor when it comes to English teaching.
Discussion part 2
We discussed deeply about (Direct and Audio-lingual ) method, how they are performed in English teaching, how they work on students development, for what purpose and what outcome teacher got from it.
08/ 09
We could reach a point we realized that to speak a L2 effectively is not just know the L2 grammatically. It`s also necessary to know the local custom, culture, age and the audience knowledge about the target language. So We avoid some hilarious situation or worst, we can have some serious trouble.
We talk about what we believe toward to English teaching, so I could realize that there are numerous techniques to teach English, but what really called my attention, was how we are different from each other and how we believe in different things.
People from the class got different subject to seek and we had around 10 minutes to present it. It was great because I learnt about many subject though my classmates and without seeking all of them. I learnt about things that I never thought it could be.
We continued presenting our research to the class and getting much more knowledge from each other.

20/10 FIRST PART of Students Motivation text
we read a text about students motivation, we had different questions relating to this matter, then in guoups we took one of the question in order to study and later on present to class, after that we had discussion of our point of view, it was great cause we realized we teach differently from each other and had a wider view about how to motivate our students
22/ 10
we discussed "ENADE TEST" then the teacher showd us all features involved in this this test and why it was made like this. So in my opinion it was cool, cause we could see goog points and bad points of it.
27/10 LAST PART of Students Motivation text
We talked about intrinsically motivation techniques and a list of features involving it, we also discussed how each question of this this list really work on students. For it was hard, cause every student is different and we teacher are different, too. So what is motivation for one student could not work as well on another student, is like chicken and egg situation.
we had (Aproaches and method) an overview(adapted from Numan, 1989)

Later on, we had an (Aproach Indicator): An informal Questionnaire as you see below: