sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

Sergio (metodo x metodologia)

Methodology x Method
It is common to find the word methodology in place method and vice versa. This widespread use is the result of misinterpretation that they have the same meaning, it is not so. The methodology is the study of a particular state of knowledge, to address certain problems. She does not seek solutions, but helps in the choice of ways to find them, integrating the acquired knowledge about the methods in operation in different disciplines and philosophical.
The methodology leads all the development of the method that will be used to solve a particular problem, the first question is whether the methods are all under the same plan at the same level of abstraction and complexity.

The actual methods evolve as the problems evolve forever. What might be considered a method in a specific time of life, the history of mankind, of a particular civilization or culture, can fall into the habit and another time not longer be considered as such.
One method is for a particular category of problems. Each problem is accompanied by specific data that distinguishes it from any other problem of this or another category. When a method is used to solve a particular problem, it should not be considered an exterior light that brightens a single route to follow, but should be seen as an exterior light that indicates different ways, leaving the field open to intuition, initiative, freedom.
The method provides, simply, the most of opportunities, chances of success in a particular operation. He is the antithesis of habit, repetition.

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