In the period of military rule, censorship has turned against the world of musical arts, performing arts and intellectuals. That was when I opened the musical Hair, written by James Rado and Gerome Ragni who had the idea together in the middle of a manifestation in Central Park, within three months the music and script for the play would be ready in collaboration with musician Galt MacDermot.
The musical Hair was famous for inciting the free use of drugs, sexual freedom, the hippie culture, nudity, the right to act the way they feel comfortable and to protest against racism and the Vietnam War.
Indeed Hair had not fixed context and the actors, some beginners and other representatives idealistic, always improvised at each performance, but without losing the intention of having the freedom to have their own ideas and follow them, and not forgetting to criticize the values of family, church and the military that invited people to participate in the Vietnam War, thus changing the moral and political thoughts of a society.
After the premiere on Broadway and in numerous productions in Los Angeles, London, Sydney. And in Mexico the government banned the play to be present and the actors threatened with arrest fled the country. But do not stop there, Hair censored in all locations in the USA, its producers have suffered accusations of indecent assault and disrespect the American flag. However, the musical was very successful and has performed 1750 times at the Biltmore Theater, which was where he debuted.
The music was more prominent band Aquarius Fifth Dimension, which won the Grammi the year.
Hair was changed to the cinema in 1979 by director Milos Forman.
In Brazil, the number could be presented, Ademar Guerra, producer, had to go over some obstacles, the question of theatrical entrepreneurs to invest was not believe it was possible to mount the piece with the same structure in Brazil, even was censorship because it contains scenes of nudity in the original format.
But those setbacks Ademar dribbled and got the piece debut in Sao Paulo on stage at the Aquarius Theater, Theater Zaccaro and then in the neighborhood of Bixiga.
Many actors of great success today were part of the cast of this play, Sonia Braga, Neusa Maria, Aracy Balabanian, Antonio Fagundes and Ney Latorraca were among them. Sonia Braga barely participated in the project by the lack of sympathy for Ademar it, but Altair Lima, also an actor, insisted their participation.
The format has a lot of Brazilian people with the scene in which the cast appeared naked. And changed the thoughts and ideas of various communities of people.
Today the image is still shown around the world, the film pleases young people even after so long after the boom of its release and the songs are part of the night ballads today.
Women liberty and sexual freedom and drug use
The brief nude scene at the end of Act I was a subject of controversy and notoriety. Miller writes that "nudity was a big part of the hippie culture, both as a rejection of the sexual repression of their parents and also as a statement about naturalism, spirituality, honesty, openness, and freedom. The naked body was beautiful, something to be celebrated and appreciated, not scorned and hidden. They saw their bodies and their sexuality as gifts, not as 'dirty' things."
Hair glorifies sexual freedom in a variety of ways. In addition to acceptance of miscegenation, mentioned above, the characters' lifestyle acts as a sexually and politically-charged updating of La bohème; as Rado explained, "The love element of the peace movement was palpable." In the song "Sodomy", Woof exhorts everyone to "join the holy orgy Kama Sutra". Toward the end of Act 2, the tribe members reveal their free love tendencies when they banter back and forth about who will sleep with whom that night. As Clive Barnes wrote in his original New York Times review of Hair, "homosexuality is not frowned upon." Woof has a crush on Mick Jagger, and a three-way embrace between Claude, Berger and Sheila turns into a Claude-Berger kiss.
Various illegal drugs are taken by the characters during the course of the show, most notably a hallucinogen during the trip sequence. The song "Walking in Space" starts off the sequence, and the lyrics celebrate the experience declaring "how dare they try to end this beauty ... in this dive we rediscover sensation ... our eyes are open, wide, wide, wide". Similarly, in the song "Donna", Berger sings that "I'm evolving through the drugs that you put down." At another point, Jeanie smokes a marijuana cigarette and says that anyone who thinks "pot" is bad is "full of shit". Generally, the tribe favors hallucinogenic or "mind expanding" drugs, such as LSD and marijuana, while disapproving of other drugs such as speed and depressants. For example, Jeanie, after revealing that she is pregnant by a "speed freak", says that "methedrine is a bad scene". The song "Hashish" provides a list of pharmaceuticals, both illegal and legal, including cocaine, alcohol, LSD, cough syrup, opium and Thorazine, which is used as an antipsychotic.
George Berger -
The leader of the tribe, with high energy. Athletic and wild, he has a strong presence and is looked up to. A social activist and unrestrained animal, he knows what is right and sticks to it no matter the consequence. Says what he thinks without reserve. He also represented all americans citizens that gave their own lives for their people.
"Let the sun shine in ..."
We Starve-look at one another short of breath
Walking proudly in our winter coats
Wearing smells from laboartories
Facing a dying nation of moving paper fantasy
Listening for the new told lies
With supreme visions of lonly tunes
Sining our space songs on a spider web sitarLife is around you and in you
Answer from Timothy Leary deary
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshineLet the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine inThe sunshine in
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